Thursday, July 14, 2011

Finding Treasures

A little boy's rock, marble and string
How wonderful are these playthings?

The marvel that they see
as they scout for treasures.

A rock for the pocket
A string for imaginery fishing
And a marble ~ well,
the beauty of it is enough ~

The beauty that you see through a little one's eyes
Is gift alone.

Treasure each moment
See as children see ~
Their excitement
Their joy
Their pain

They're small, little ones to protect and to mold into amazing grownups.

©copyright Peabea (all rights reserved January 2012)


  1. beautiful. It reminds me so much of my grandsons. Thank you.

  2. Your lovely poem reminds me of Wonder-Moments with my granddaughters--how they teach me to find the wonder in the most ordinary and familiar things. Just gathering acorns is a supreme delight, as we scour the ground for the perfect ones--with caps! These are indeed moments to be treasured.


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