Saturday, November 5, 2016

Sunday Scripture Blessings 11 6

Sunday Blessings from Peabea Scribbles.

You're next ~ just click the blue link to share your Sunday Blessings.  Have a great week.

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Scripture And a  Snapshot
Spiritual Sundays
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Sunday Scripture Blessings is a weekly link up to share your photo or graphic Scripture Blessing from Sunday thru Friday.

~hugs 'n giggles 'n blessings~ Peabea


  1. I was just reading this week in Ephesians about the wall of enmity being removed through Jesus. The reality of that struck me in a new and fresh way.

    1. Me too as I followed you to the study of Ephesians at Deeper Waters. I put that scripture in my Journaling Bible as a tip out and a reminder that I liked that one to use for Sunday Scripture Blessings. Thank you for sharing and linking. I have found some nice sites that I enjoy by reading your blog. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Spirit...thanks for visiting and commenting. I'm following Deeper Waters with their month long Bible study of Ephesians. I also am doing my own and reading 2 Samuel as well as Jeremiah. Use to read with Women Living Well since 2014, but left them month or so ago. Do you study with anyone online?

  4. This world will never be our peace; He is our peace! Amen!

    1. Was great to see your visit Julie. Thanks for commenting. Amen to your comment. :)


Nothing better than a scribbled comment or just a Hello. I look forward to them all..~Have a great week~ Please note that since if I reply to your comment here, you won't know unless you keep traveling back, so I try to always visit anyone who comments and leave a comment on their blog plus I like visiting anyway and making new blog friends. Have a great scribbling day. :)