Sunday, May 13, 2018

Sunday Scripture Blessings Link Up ~ 5 13 18

Hosea was one of the minor prophets. God is comparing Israel to an unfaithful people who have ignored God for other idols. I chose to share from the last chapter of Hosea because for all their unfaithfulness, God is ever loving in his Mercy once Israel repents.

Hosea 14:1-3
Return, Israel to the LORD your GOD. Your sins have been your downfall! Take words with you and return to the LORD, say to him: "Forgive all our sins and receive us graciously, that we may offer the fruit of our lips. Assyria cannot save us; we will not mount warhorses. We will never again say 'Our gods' to what our own hands have made, for in you the fatherless find compassion."

The word of the LORD that came to Hosea son of Berri during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, king of Judah, and during the reign of Jeroboam son of Jehoash kind of Israel.

I can say that reading Hosea was not one of my favorites because it is mostly God being upset by his people, and always amazing that no matter what, they just don't seem to get it after all that God has done for them. (just my opinion). Although, the last shows that God is there waiting with open arms if they're will to repent.

Hope all moms have a splendid Mother's Day.
On the April 29th Sunday Scripture Blessings, I mentioned a plant growing by my garage that I must have planted but had no idea what it was going to be. Discovered that the plant in the photo above that my daughter gave me last year for Mother's Day, I did take it out and plant it after the blooms had died and the leaves had wilted. Wasn't sure it would make it because I just hastily planted it in the ground. So I get to enjoy it again this year. :)

Besides being the mom of three adult babies, I've been the mom of this Fur-baby for the past 6 years. He helps fill that empty nest. Sometimes, a bit too much since he can get kind of demanding. haha

You're next for sharing a Scripture Blessing. Thanks

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~hugs 'n giggles 'n scribbles~



  1. Your plant parable is a great encouragement to just keep on sowing seed, planting things according to God's plan, so we can be surprised at whatever He causes to grow!
    Happy Mother's Day!

  2. How wonderful that your plant surprised you again this year!
    Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Happy Mother's Day, love the plant's resilience. I posted you yo By His Grace bloggers, hope you get more links.

  4. The ways of the Lord ARE right! Amen! And you've been twice blessed with your daughter's gift!

  5. Happy Mother's Day!

    Thank you for always sharing blessings from Scripture. :-)


Nothing better than a scribbled comment or just a Hello. I look forward to them all..~Have a great week~ Please note that since if I reply to your comment here, you won't know unless you keep traveling back, so I try to always visit anyone who comments and leave a comment on their blog plus I like visiting anyway and making new blog friends. Have a great scribbling day. :)