Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Pictorial Tuesday Link Up 7 21 2020

From the archives. Last week, I shared one of the dams in  the area that is closest to me. This is another of the local dams in the area. I took the grandson to the local beach area, and afterwards we went exploring, and found this dam. He was thrilled to find it also had a play area.

Hope everyone is fairing well during all this Covid-19. Our numbers were low in beginning, but sadly they are on rise again. Waiting for the Governor's speech today in which he may shut us down again in Ohio. I sure hope not.

We are extremely hot here, and my yard is suffering as well as my lovely flowers. Some have died.

Have a great Tuesday, and thank you to all who visit Pictorial Tuesday. So enjoy seeing your photos.
Thanks for sharing.

Link up is open below.

~hugs 'n scribbles~


Some links I visit and sometimes share with that you might enjoy sharing with also:


  1. We found somewhere close to home to explore this past weekend too. It is nice to be able to get out and walk without having to go too far. Take care. Worrying times indeed. We have had a spike in the eastern side of Australia this last week. Take care and thank you for the link up.

    1. Seems to be the norm. We have some states in worse shapes so here's fingers cross this ends soon.

  2. So very nice. Sometimes the most beautiful things are the closest to home. Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Sharon. Hope all is good in your world.

  4. We are in the same boat. Hoping we can stop the numbers climbing without lockdown...I wish they'd make everoyne wear masks, though a restaurant in our local area had a case (it appears a visitor), so that has made a lot more masks appear back on the street...there's at least that...

    1. Fingers crossed. The stores have now begun requiring mask be worn. Hoping that helps. Stay well.

  5. Yep, we are in the same boat too! I fear a second lockdown.

    Stay safe, Peabea!

    1. So hoping not, and hoping somehow this all ends soon. I'm getting so bored as I do live alone, but kids are now coming around, and I'm venturing out more. Stay well.

  6. The dam on our lake was built in 1912 and increased in height in the 20s. Last year they made maintenance repairs to take us into the future. Powell Lake is huge, so a dam breach would be horrible for lake dwellers. At lease it wouldn't rush into the town because it empties directly to the sea, but the hydroelectric station might get wiped out. - Margy

  7. Things are getting better here though people are still cautious


Nothing better than a scribbled comment or just a Hello. I look forward to them all..~Have a great week~ Please note that since if I reply to your comment here, you won't know unless you keep traveling back, so I try to always visit anyone who comments and leave a comment on their blog plus I like visiting anyway and making new blog friends. Have a great scribbling day. :)