Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Pictorial Tuesday Link Up 1 12 2021

What I'm scribbling about today:

So, I do love messing with the photo manipulation softwares, so decided to download GIMP for fun to see what it was all about. And, it's free. It does remind me of the earlier days of doing photo adjusting. Not quite as easy as the Adobe progams that I have, but for the last at least 20+ years or so, I've only done Adobe. I did in earlier years have some other programs, and this one reminds me of those. Anyway, only did a couple from my Frosty Morning photos because I needed to get Pictorial Tuesday done so will figure it out better later. 

This option was kind of cool to make a globe out of your photo, and then add the 3D.

Taken from this photo:

Below is just one that I embossed. That option is very similar to the one in Adobe.

From this photo:


I've never walked Razzy out on the road before, but last week, I took him down the road. I've only ever walked him around the yard or we go uptown where they have sidewalks. Mostly though, he's not that fun to walk because I like to walk him, and get some exercise too, but all we do is stop and smell, stop and smell. That dog is addicted to smelling. 

If you'd like to share your love of photography, and what you've been shooting or doing some graphics the link up is open below. Thanks for visiting Peabea Scribbles.

~hugs 'n scribbles~


Some links I visit and sometimes share with that you might enjoy visiting their Photography blog and linking up with them also:


  1. I never used GIMP, but you make fine edits.
    I often see people with a dog and think, it's more trouble as with a little child ;)
    Have a godd week

    My entry is here

  2. oops. doesn't look like the link is up yet. so much fun experimenting with new things. Time flys by. I've been experimenting making paper this week.

  3. I'm still partial to the originals. :-)

  4. I have never used the program but you did a great job. Thanks for sharing it. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  5. I love photoshop. But now that I'm not illustrating books I don't use it as much. I play around with the Prisma app sometimes. That's fun.

  6. Had to show snow in Texas:) Have a lovely week, Jesh

  7. Sniffing is a dogs social media! Glad you kindly let her scroll :)
    Thanks for posting

  8. What fun ..... I will look forward to more experimentation with GIMP.

    Razzy is enjoying his walk for sure ..... Little Explorer :)

  9. Beautiful editing. I've not a clue how to do this.

    Razzy is a typical pup. Stop and smell, stop and smell and the repeat.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  10. Interesting edits. I tried gimp years ago but couldn't really grasp it then. I use photoscape (Photoscape.org). It's free, too, and has lots of editing tools that work for me.

    A lovely addition to 'My Corner of the World' this week! Thanks for linking!

  11. Oooooo, this looks like fun! I work in Adobe programs too but this looks interesting.


Nothing better than a scribbled comment or just a Hello. I look forward to them all..~Have a great week~ Please note that since if I reply to your comment here, you won't know unless you keep traveling back, so I try to always visit anyone who comments and leave a comment on their blog plus I like visiting anyway and making new blog friends. Have a great scribbling day. :)