Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Pictorial Tuesday 2 5 19 Link Up


Went out to take some photos, but it is just a dreary day. Found some leafs still hanging on. Will they make it to Spring?

Where I live, there is only empty farm fields now for Winter and today was a dreary day. Snow has almost melted, and the rain is to begin. Warmer weather in 30's and 40's next few days. I think though that I'll take the rain vs the snow and bitter cold we've had last few weeks. 

Snowy night photo that was taken couple years ago. 

Time to link up your photography, digital graphics or photo art. Thanks for sharing. 

~Stay Warm~ or Cool if you're lucky enough to be where the warm weather stays. :)



  1. They are pretty fields tho ~ I love how thinks look so open!

  2. Very beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing them. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  3. Moody shots...
    Thank you for hosting.

  4. Widespread snow but hurrah for your efforts to capture the scene so well and share with us.

  5. There's also beauty in withered leaves clinging to the trees. Nice photos!

  6. I love those big fat snowflakes!


Nothing better than a scribbled comment or just a Hello. I look forward to them all..~Have a great week~ Please note that since if I reply to your comment here, you won't know unless you keep traveling back, so I try to always visit anyone who comments and leave a comment on their blog plus I like visiting anyway and making new blog friends. Have a great scribbling day. :)