Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Pictorial Tuesday Link Up 3 9 2021


Bird Feast

Recycling a few photos that I dug out of the archives. Really need to get out and take some photos now that the weather is getting nicer.

Link up is open for your sharing of your photography, digital art, or photos manipulated into art. Thanks for visiting.
You're next.

~hugs 'n scribbles~



  1. Lovely birds and sunsets (I see sunrays from my rooftop)
    Have a good week

  2. Sunrises and sunsets, two of the most gorgeous times of day. Usually I get up too late for sunrises, especially in summer, but I usually see them when we are camping. Stay safe, have a good week, and thanks again for the linkup.

  3. I've been looking through my old photos too as I haven't gotten out much at all this past year. Hope you have a great week!

  4. Love the birds congregating around the feeder:) Jesh

  5. Those pictures look great in the frames!

  6. Those are some beautiful sunsets there. Very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  7. I love looking through my archives, there are lots of things that I had forgotten about! Love your photos.

    Your link is a welcome addition to My Corner of the World' this week!

  8. Pretty birds and gorgeous sunsets make the best stunning captures! Loved these clicks.

  9. There is always something special about the galactic sun and the changing weather. Gorgeous pictures that speak volumes of bountiful nature and its many hues. The bird feast captured my attention all the way. Thanks for the post and looking forward to many more.


Nothing better than a scribbled comment or just a Hello. I look forward to them all..~Have a great week~ Please note that since if I reply to your comment here, you won't know unless you keep traveling back, so I try to always visit anyone who comments and leave a comment on their blog plus I like visiting anyway and making new blog friends. Have a great scribbling day. :)