Monday, February 7, 2022

Pictorial Tuesday Link Up 2 8 2022

 Soon as my road was finally plowed, a kind neighbor came and plowed my drive. I basically could not leave my house until that was done. The front door was frozen shut, but I could barely skinny out the back door to let Razzy out. Sad though that some in the Southern counties had it worse with the storm and are still out of power from last Thursday. We had rain, then freezing, and then the snow dumped. Still, we didn't have it as bad as the East coast has.

When taking Razzy out, if I could have jumped over this drift, I would have been fine. Was deep to walk in and had to carry Razzy with his short legs and skinny around that table. That's when I fell down in it. haha  Hard to get back up because it was deeper than it looks and kept trying to pull off my boots. Told daughter next time that type storm is coming, I'll be coming in town to her house to stay.

Hope all were spared the storms and snow. I'm so very ready for Spring already. 

Link up is open below. 

~hugs 'n giggles~


Some of the link ups I visit:


  1. It is mid summer here and I can't even imagine what you describe. You can't get out your front door or leave the house? My goodness. And so sorry to hear about the pour being out. I hope you have a wood fire to keep you warm. Take care, and thankyou for the link up this week. Stay warm!

  2. What a lot of snow!
    We've had a few large snowfalls here too.
    Sorry to hear you took a tumble. Looks like you might of had a
    soft landing though. I hope so.
    Thank you for hosting.

  3. Till now I used to only admire the snow and be envious of people who get snowfall. But this sounds unpleasant. I am glad the situation in your place is not that bad compared to other areas. Hope you get an early spring.

  4. That is so crazy. I hope everything gets better soon. Sending you positive thoughts.

  5. Thank you dear! Wishing you safe weather ♥️

  6. So much snow, Peabea - that's why I'm sending you a little sun:) Great to have good neighbors in times like these! Stay warm:)

  7. We ended up with about 10 inches of snow. I certainly didn't want to go anywhere and was very grateful our power didn't go out. Cabo only wanted to go outside if someone was going to play in the snow with him. I think it would be a great idea if you went to stay with your daughter next time!

  8. Oh my goodness! You had an adventure for sure! I’m so glad that if there’s another snowstorm you have somewhere to find refuge! Blessings to you!

  9. I'm so glad you have a kind neighbor to help out! Definitely a good idea to not be alone.


Nothing better than a scribbled comment or just a Hello. I look forward to them all..~Have a great week~ Please note that since if I reply to your comment here, you won't know unless you keep traveling back, so I try to always visit anyone who comments and leave a comment on their blog plus I like visiting anyway and making new blog friends. Have a great scribbling day. :)